The Day Ralek Gracie Came Out of His Cave: GIF Edition

8:09 AM Moo 1 Comments

Today Ralek Gracie emerged from his neolithic cave, dragging his knuckles to reveal what many of us already knew...there are still too many sexist attitudes towards female BJJ Practitioners. If you didn't have the uh....pleasure of reading his whole interview  sexist, excuse making rant, you can enjoy it here. Sometimes words fail to explain my rage, so GIFS will have to suffice.

Ralek Gracie while he tries to navigate what he should/should not say during an interview

Reading sexist responses from male practitioners supporting Ralek...

When I realized the Gracie's let Ralek speak without a PR person...

That face when you hear Ralek making excuses for leaving women off the card....

My reaction when he said "We had that one match (women's) and it was cool, but that was more of, 'That's cool and that was interesting and I want to see that again if the girls are cute.'

 When I realized the secret match also wouldn't be a women's match.....

When Ralek called female practioners "charity cases"

When Ralek said he had no more money to add women but offered Gary Tonon 140k

 Ralek, from myself and all the ladies who train hard and know just how good we are....

oh and one more thing....

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