The BJJ Struggle is Real: In GIF form
When the upper belts are discussing some move and I follow their reactions because I have no idea what they are talking about...
Trying to escape while rolling with my boyfriend
When my professor teaches an escape for a submission I have just perfected on other students....
Me running to my team mate,White Bear, after she sees me struggling during a roll and decides to teach me a technique and drop some knowledge.
When I want fried chicken after training but everyone is cutting weight for competitions....
When my professor says step forward if you didn't roll last time....
When I realize the only person left is going to destroy me
When a new student tries to go all MMA on me but I know how to effectively defend myself with BJJ
Everytime I try on a Gi specifically made for women
Trying to refresh the page when I saw no one was in my weight class for the next tournament....
Thank you to What Should We Call Me Tumblr for the awesome gifs!